
May 24, 2011

Way too long!

Filed under: Family,New life — by allanatfarcountry @ 9:32 pm

Well, I don’t even want to bother apologising for not posting for yonks. I’m just going to get down to business and update on life in the Mao household. Benjamin is now 16 weeks and has been much, much more settled than the first 3 months. He had a rough start to life with reflux which caused him to cry and cry and cry. He was really hard to settle and we were at our wit’s end. But after starting him on medication he is much better and now even sleeps through the night – well, for 6 hours at least. We’ve started to sit him up in a high chair and it is so lovely to see him upright and looking around the world. He is very interested in his brother and stares at him wherever he is. Now that they can sit next to each other there is a lot more interaction. CJ has been a wonderful big brother, sharing all his toys (which entails putting them next to Benjy’s head in the cot or in the bouncer) and giving him loving kisses and hugs and climbing into his cot every morning. I enjoy watching this new role CJ has taken on and seeing his protective nature. He is not at all jealous which is a blessing.

Benjamin has been sucking his fingers a lot and starting to dribble now. Like his brother, he is a big boy with lots of hair. I’m not sure how much he weighs but would hazard a guess at about 7kg. My back has been worse for wear so I’m back at the physio getting traction and doing back exercises. Ben generally sleeps through the night with maybe one feed in the early morning (between 2-4am) if I don’t put a dummy in. He loves any attention he can get and smiles and laughs when people talk to him and also likes to “talk” too. He is bouncing on his own legs and has great head control. I think he looks more like a 6 month old than a 4 month-er!

Just a bit about Benjamin Evan’s birth. The stats are: 4.4kg, 52cm long and 34cm head circum. He was born on 1/2/2011 at 9:43pm after a labour that started at 1am that morning. It was an extremely hot week and that day was really scorching. I went into hospital in the morning but was told to go for a walk and come back when the contractions were harder to bear. So we tried to go to the St George RSL yum cha but were refused because I was wearing thongs (for goodness sake, I was IN LABOUR!! This is what I muttered under my breath as I stomped out). We ended up down at Blakehurst Chinese restaurant for yum cha. Most of that lunch I was squirming with pain from the regular contractions and trying not to draw any attention to myself. At least it was air conditioned and we weren’t sitting in an obvious place. I just felt like such a dag in my daggy clothes with a TENS machine hanging around my neck and grimacing in pain at each contraction. After a while I pleaded with Allan to take me home so I could at least contract in private. We got home and turned up the air-con and I had a water sprayer and towel around my head and was leaning over the ironing board. Allan would time my contractions with his iPhone app and was watching “The Pacific” as well. After a few hours I was becoming more and more vocal and he insisted we go back in. But I wasn’t sure whether I was far along to go back in so resisted his attempts to get me to ring the hospital. Finally I rang and said it was getting more difficult so they told me to come in. Allan was keen just to get in to the air-con at the hospital.

When we arrived I was still in early stages of labour which really discouraged me and I felt like I had failed reading the signs. But the nurses were reassuring and told me as soon as things got going I would probably have the baby quickly. Well, it took a few more hours and deep moans and groans and then the doctor came in to break my waters and said she would be back in about an hour when she was sure I would start pushing. I was quite scared at what I needed to accomplish in an hour – 5 more centimetres and all that pushing. I got into the bath for a few more contractions and then had to get out because it was time to push. The pushing this time wasn’t as long (2omins) but I felt it more because I hadn’t sucked in as much gas as last time so was more aware and alert. Fortunately no forceps were used and he came out into the world healthy and strong.

So that’s basically the rundown of the labour. Since then it has been a steep learning curve juggling two little dependent sons. Admittedly the first 12 weeks were really hard and I felt like I was losing the plot most days just trying to settle Ben and get CJ to be quiet or get out of mischief. It has been a blessing to have Allan around even though he has just started a new job and so has many things on his mind and heaps of adjustments to make as well. We have been supported well by our family, esp my parents who have taken me in on many occasions when I just couldn’t cope. And our new church family have been great – giving us many meals, encouraging us with their prayers and caring in many ways. I thought I would be better at mothering but most days I just feel like I am getting through okay and am happy that I’ve watered, fed and clothed each boy and got them safely into bed! It’s getting easier now with life taking on more of a “normal” feel but it still is a whole new ball game having two children. People told me this would be the case but I don’t think I really understood until now. And each situation is different according to your children and other things that are going on in life. I am thankful that God has blessed me with a wonderful husband who never complains (“it’s called ‘maturity'” he explained to me!) and has an amazing knack of being able to put the boys to sleep without screaming or getting frustrated,unlike me!

So, what’s been happening with our 25month Dotti? He is certainly growing up and speaks so much and constantly surprises us with the things he remembers and the associations he makes. He loves to share a cup of “cha cha” with me in the morning and is always asking “what are you doing, Mummy” which can get annoying every 2 seconds but indicates a desire to know and learn and absorb everything. He is now sleeping in a big bed which happened around his 2 year b’day. He transitioned much better than I anticipated and the only difficulty is him settling down for his day nap. If he doesn’t want to sleep he will jump out of bed, turn his light on and read books. We now close his door fully (before we couldn’t shut it properly because of a dodgy door handle) and so in the morning when he wants to come out he bangs on the door shouting, “Mummy, I’m awake” which is usually around 7am. CJ loves to see his cousins and Por Por and Goong Goong. He spends Tuesday nights at PP and GG’s house and goes to BSF with PP on Weds morning. Ben and I have just started back this term at BSF and even Ben now goes into the Under 2 program which allows me to actually listen to a full talk as well as participate in the discussion without children – bliss!!

CJ still loves to eat noodles and has a Chinese stomach. He loves Chinese soup and “doong goo” (Chinese mushrooms) and also enjoys dumplings. He isn’t great at using utensils which can get very messy. We go to a playgroup on Tuesdays which is lots of fun. He doesn’t tend to do much craft (the below picture of him painting was the first time he has painted – and as you can see, it wasn’t very extensive), preferring to play on the bikes or playing with the trucks and cars or reading books about trucks, cars, diggers and anything else that goes. He is fitting in more at our new church and even though he doesn’t settle well by himself in the creche he recognises lots of his friends. He is quite a soft hearted boy and likes to “po po” (hug in Cantonese) the characters in books who are sad – this might sound strange, but he holds the book up to his chest and says “ohh, poor —, CJ po po”. He also tells me when he has cried or when he is laughing or when he is scared. It is lovely to see this emotional development and also an awareness of others’ emotions and needs.

His all time favourite DVD is “Alvin and the Chipmunks” and he can sit and watch the whole movie if we let him. He also likes to watch “Peppa Pig” and “Playschool” and “The Wiggles”. I know that he shouldn’t watch too much TV but on days where I am just too tired I do find it easier just to put it on to keep him still and quiet. He is not very good at independent play and wants me to do things with him like Play Dough or tea-parties or building blocks. I try to let him run around in the yard when it’s not too cold but that doesn’t last long before he is back in wanting my attention. He does like books and reading and can actually sit for a while reading his favourite ones (Richard Scarry’s “Busy Book” is up there at the moment). He isn’t really in to drawing or using pencils/crayons/textas or stickering or doing puzzles preferring to push a trolley around or get out his diggers and trailers and cars. He is very much a boy and LOVES rough and tumbling with his daddy.

So that’s a basic summary of the past few months since Benjamin has joined our family. The fact that I have time to sit down at blog shows something – that life is getting more sane and I can even attempt to record some of the details. I don’t want to forget what Ben was like at this early stage so I thought I’d best write something before he’s 12 months. I thank God for the gift He has given us in parenting these precious boys. Both Allan and I have grown so much in the past 2 years in our dependence on each other, on others, on God and learnt what it means to put another first and to ask for patience, strength and wisdom from above. It’s just the start of our parenting journey but the steepest learning curve happens now.

December 19, 2010

M&M Christmas Letter

Filed under: Family — by dottismum @ 9:34 pm

Here is our latest newsletter. In my pregnant-minded blankness, I think I sent out some emails without the attachment. So, I thought I’d just put it here in my blog for anyone who happens to read this blog.

Merry Christmas to you all.


December 16, 2010

CJM 20 months

Filed under: Daily Life,Family,God stuff,Uncategorized — by dottismum @ 7:32 am

Over these two months we have seen some remarkable progress in CJ’s comprehension and use of language as well as emotional development. It’s hard to capture things on camera because he now insists on coming around and looking at the photo/video rather than being in it so that’s why I don’t have much to show for these developments. But I can still write them down:

– he is much more in tune with emotions, esp. in books. When there is a sad part he will express his sadness by kissing the page with the sad character, or have a sad look on his face and say “poor dog” (or whatever it is – one of the first times I noticed this was when we were reading “Some Dogs Do” and he kept flipping to the page with the sad, lonely dog on it)

– he is very aware of babies and pictures of babies. He will point them out, and go up to prams and look in them and generally be drawn to them. Here he is playing with a bubushka that we got in Kyrgyzstan. I only just got it out yesterday for him to play with and he spent quite some concentrated time playing carefully with the dolls – particularly the teeny, tiny baby and big “por por”:

– CJ has started to get the hang of using a fork and spoon but it is still very messy and I have to turn a blind eye to all the food on the floor, in his hair, on the table and everywhere else. He loves the independence (but I do admit it is slow going and food doesn’t necessarily reach his mouth or tummy):

– I’ve been putting on far too many DVDs for him lately to keep him in one spot while I try to lie down. He doesn’t like me resting and always comes over to make sure I’m awake. His favourite at the moment is “High Five Christmas” which he calls “tree”. Speaking of Christmas trees, we haven’t put ours up because we don’t have any room and also we know CJ will pull off all the decorations. And also because we’ll be down in VV for most of the lead up so we will assemble a little one down there.

We spent a few nights at VV and even though it was meant to be a rest it actually ended up exhausting both Allan and I. We decided to put CJ on a mattress on the floor since he had done so well last time we stayed there (he was in a sleeping bag that time but not this time). It was all too much for him to have so much freedom and we spent over 2 hours trying to get him to lie down. He just refused to go to sleep. And then at 4am when we found that he had rolled off the mattress, under our bed and out the other side. It took another 2 hours to get him to go back to bed. We’ve bought him a toddler bed but think we’ll wait until he’s a little older before transitioning him because it’s too much work. Here are some pics of our time away:

A moment of stillness in front of his favourite DVD:

Trying to skip with Daddy:

Lots of fun playing outdoors:

We had a little Christmas party with our CPC friends and CJ loved seeing Joshy whom he hasn’t seen all that often but is fixated on his name. CJ loves to go through a list of all his favourite people. Predictably, every night when we ask him who he would like to pray for he says “goong goong” and “Nali” and “Samuel”. These are his top three names. But he also likes Joshy too (must be the Caleb and Joshua thing!).

I have absolutely been blessed to have Allan around these weeks because I am getting more and more exhausted being heavily pregnant. Only 7 more weeks to go…..

I’m a little fearful of how I will manage with two under two and having so many changes ahead in our family. Once Allan commences work even though he will be at home it’s going to be a lot harder to expect him to be as hands on. CJ has really been spoilt having both Daddy and Mummy at his beck and call every single day and so I’m worried how he will handle not just having no Daddy here to play with but the addition of a needy newborn taking up Mummy’s attention. Sometimes I just have to stop thinking about it because it’s inevitable and things will just unfold. But other times, I get worried that I won’t cope. Much prayer for patience, grace, strength and ability is needed. I know God has this all under control and will enable me to get through each day. And just as He has been maturing and developing CJ in such obvious ways over these months, I know He will continue to change all of us and develop our trust in Him even when it gets really difficult.

October 31, 2010

Lots to update

Filed under: Daily Life,Family,New life — by dottismum @ 2:22 pm

It’s already the last day in October and I am way behind in blogging. CJ is now 19 months and one day old. He has had many milestones, celebrations, holidays and fun times in the past two months. I’ll just let these pictures do the talking:

Celebrating Allan’s 2nd Father’s Day.

Celebrating my b’day and CJ’s 18months. We held a party since his 1st b’day was cancelled. It was a sunny day with all our outdoor toys in the backyard and about 12 little friends over to play. I also had some of my friends to celebrate my b’day.

Allan has been around much more since resigning so now CJ is very spoilt having his Daddy to play with. This is really good timing since I am getting bigger and less able to move about. Here they are in Wollongong. If I am with CJ he is constantly asking for “Daddy, Daddy” and if I’m absent, he constantly asks Daddy for “Mummy, Mummy”. Things are going to be a shock early next year when Daddy goes to work and a new baby arrives.

The latest morning routine involves Allan getting CJ out of bed, bringing him into our bed, removing his sleeping bag and then CJ climbing off the bed (within seconds of getting on – if only he would lie still and fall back to sleep as he used to when only a bub). He usually comes around to my bedside table and hands me my “eyes” (ie glasses) because he knows once they are on I will wake up and give him proper attention. Then he toddles off to the kitchen to get his water bottle and a banana. He brings this back to our room and once the banana is opened he can usually go back to the living room to sit and enjoy these things by himself allowing us a few more minutes to lie in bed. Allan then usually pulls himself out of bed, changes CJ’s nappy, gets him dressed and starts breaky. CJ enjoys eating cereal with us now as well as “cheesy bread”.

Most recently he has been waking at about 5:45am and calling out or singing “ee i ee i o” (Old McD) at the top of his voice. He’s gone off the banana routine (maybe because I am not putting them out anymore as he seems to enjoy pulling the skin off but not eating the fruit). He has learnt to climb up on chairs now and so we find him getting more adventurous and this is a challenge.

He certainly enjoys mimicking his Daddy. He loves all the gadgets and things on Allan’s desk including the pens, mouse, keyboard and iPhone.

But he also enjoys the things on Mummy’s dressing table. He was playing “cheers” with my lotions and bottles and also pretending to apply “special cream” on his arm (which has a touch of eczema on it). He really is into what his parents do.

A big addition to our family has been “Marsh” (No. 2). We got this bunny free off Gumtree and CJ has really taken to looking after him by feeding him hay, carrots, corn and lettuce and “gently” patting his bottom to make him “hop” and even sharing his cage.

I’m not really into pets but Allan and CJ have been doing a great job looking after this bunny and I can see how it’s helping CJ to be more responsible for something. He often asks after Marsh in the morning, wanting to check he is okay and bring him out. The name is courtesy of CJ – I think he is confused with mouse and rabbit. Oh well, it now has stuck.

Allan has been doing lots of bike riding and even joined in this charity event to raise money for an orphanage in Cambodia. CJ knows Daddy goes “bider” (to rhyme with “spider”)  and whenever he sees a picture of a bike he says “daddy” or whenever Allan is out, CJ asks whether he has gone “bider”.

Hopefully one day Allan will be able to take Caleb out bike riding as a father and son activity.

We’ve just returned from another trip down south to Vincentia. CJ loves the house as it is full of new toys and has a very relaxed feeling to it because we are all on holidays. We set up this little tent on Blenheim Beach and enjoyed an afternoon on the sand by ourselves.

CJ just loves his “eyes” and looks very cool with them on.

Other things to note about these two months:

He is also obsessed with tractors, cars, trucks, bulldozers, cement mixers, dump trucks and garbage trucks. I had no idea about all the different names and functions of these heavy machinery but am learning as I go along. Every book that has a truck or tractor in it fascinates CJ and we have to read them over and over and over again. He now can count to ten in Mandarin and English. He is also very good at joining me in a rendition of “Do a deer” and “Heads, Shoulder, Knees and Toes”. He seems to know some colours and loves to call out various family members names whenever I sing “Jesus Loves the Little Children” (filling in for ‘little children’). He likes to say “Nali” which is the name of a friend and this reminds us to pray for Nali and his family. He slept on a big bed when we were down south which was a mattress on the floor and really enjoyed that. And he is probably ready to sit at the table with a smaller booster seat.

Personality wise I feel he is still shy initially when he meets new people. But if he is overtired he becomes super social and really charming which is funny to watch because that’s not his normal self. He continues to be very cheeky and loves to smile at himself in the mirror. He knows where Mummy’s baby is (0ften pointing at my tummy or belly button and pat-patting the baby). He is still napping twice a day (if we are home) for about 3 hours in total and goes to bed at about 7:30pm with minimal fuss. He is getting more frustrated when things don’t go his way and expresses this by screeching or whinging or crying whilst bending over with his head facing his knees. I can tell he is getting more and more demanding in the way he screams out which is probably the start of the Terrible Twos. But overall I think he is pretty moderate in terms of tantrums – for now!


September 18, 2010

Photography by Clementine, May 2010

Filed under: Family,Uncategorized — by dottismum @ 11:29 am

Thanks, Clem!

August 31, 2010

16 months – August 2010

Filed under: Daily Life,Family — by dottismum @ 9:05 pm

Before the month closes I better get in the photos and latest updates on CJ. One of the big things of this month was Allan’s birthday. We celebrated with dinner on his actual day – which I cooked and it turned out a bit disastrously (but that’s another story!). At least I managed to decorate the place a little to make it more festive:

And CJ loved hitting the balloons.

We got Allan a few bike tops since this is his latest hobby (and he’s doing really well at keeping it up – and losing weight too!) so in this pic he looks like a road-worker! Don’t look too closely at the cake – it was undercooked and cracked so the balsamic strawberries were leaking through. It was meant to be a ricotta cheesecake but took a bit of imagination to actually recognise it.

Allan wanted to take CJ to Taronga Zoo so a few days after his b’day we went for another treat out to the zoo. CJ is at a great age where he can recognise and name a few animals and appreciate them so it was just the right time to take him along.

These animals have the best view in Sydney!

CJ liked these sun bears – the smallest bears in the world.

The new baby hippo:

Other things that CJ is getting into this month is standing on the port-a-cot and playing the piano. He loves to look up at the photo board above the piano and also dance to the ‘demo’ music on the keyboard.

He has also been sitting down and reading his books or looking at photos. It is truly amazing to see him doing this because only a few month’s ago he was hardly able to sit still for more than 2 seconds. Now in the morning we either find him doing this:

Or this (we found him like this yesterday – he’d managed to climb up onto the chair, reach for a book and sit down to read it):

The developments have been quite remarkable this month with so many more words and comprehension and communication. He even has started asking for particular songs (especially one called “Tractor, tractor” – which is slowly driving me insane because we’ve listened to it repeatedly for over 100 times) and knows how to go into the bathroom to wash his hands (0r ‘say sau’ as it is in Cantonese) and get his own banana and water bottle in the morning. He hasn’t yet started showing signs of tantrums or demanding things to the point of tears which is a relief as the Terrible Twos are just around the corner.

So there we have it – CJ’s 16th month of life.

July 31, 2010

15 months

Filed under: Daily Life,Family,New life — by dottismum @ 7:52 pm

Well the past month has just rushed on by and I’ve not written anything. So, here is a long catch up of CJ’s latest pics.

We gave him his 4th haircut. It’s much harder to cut his hair now that he is mobile, active and aware (and I’m not b/feeding him anymore). We tried to distract him with a DVD and biscuits but ended up having to hold his arms down while he sat on my lap and Allan did a great job at cutting very quickly. After two attempts we managed to get his hair into some sort of style that does not resemble a bowl!

The next big thing this month was that we had a date night out in the city which included a delicious Japanese dinner, a magnificent violin concert by Midori, a luxurious night in the Sheraton on the Park and a filling buffet breaky – all without CJ! He stayed with Jen and Samuel (and C&S) and had a ball. No tears. No fuss. We’ll have to do this again some time soon.

He loves his cousins and Jenna is such a responsible ‘big sister’ even volunteering to have him sleep in her room (which included a stinky nappy all night – yucko!). I felt totally at ease leaving him for the night but that still didn’t mean I slept well. I was wondering whether he was ok and whether the Lims would get any sleep (so my sleep was rather patchy). I think it is really healthy for Allan and I to have some time out and talk and communicate as husband and wife every so often. And CJ is old enough to know we will return. All in all it was a great night.

By the way, at breakfast we were joined by the Everton Football team from the UK. Tim Cahill was there and it caused a bit of a hoo-ha in the room. But I wasn’t that bothered at all. I just enjoyed not having to serve breakfast to a 1y/o nor clean up afterwards.

Another highlight of this month was welcoming Noemi Snelling into the world. She was born early on the 4th of July with much speed and excitement for her parents. We visited her on the third day and felt so privileged to be part of this special celebration. We’re going to miss seeing her grow up – not to mention her wonderful parents!

Note – CJ brought along his camera too! He was spoilt rotten by Uncle Phil who read many books.

CJ was a little bit jealous of Denali as he saw Allan pick him up. Wonder how he will be when he becomes a Big Brother!

That’s right – CJ is going to have to get used to a new baby in the family coming up in Feb 2011. I’m 13 weeks pregnant and very relieved to have made it to this point. I’m still deciding whether to start another blog for this new pregnancy or just continue with Dotti. Praise God for this gift of a new life growing inside. I don’t take this pregnancy for granted at all.

Other things CJ has been up to as a 15 month old – he has taken a keen interest in tractors, cars, trains and bull-dozers. It’s very interesting to see him gravitate towards books with these things in them as well as be able to say the words ‘car, train, tractor’. Who said boys and girls are the same??? He also is now playing more with little toy cars and making sounds as he pushes them along the ground. A few days ago when visiting a girl cousin he managed to pick out the car amongst all her other girly toys.

I took the opportunity to get some cleaning done while CJ viewed the demolition of the neighbours’ house. He was intrigued!

I’ve also enrolled him into swimming classes. He was a little apprehensive on our first visit and cried a few tears but didn’t scream or make a huge fuss once we were moving around and singing. We’ve just had the third class and he’s already jumping off the side into my arms with much confidence and he is also happy to go underwater once or twice. The effort of getting changed and wet and in and out of the pool during winter is worth it if I know in a few years time he will learn to swim. This is a shot before his first lesson.

And here he is after the class – happy to be eating and dry!

When visiting another friends’ place I noticed he really liked sitting on the small couch so taking advantage of the Target Toy sale, I purchased this one. He immediately said “toot toot” when we approached the shelf in the shop so I knew he would like this Thomas one. Now we have three couch potatoes in the house!

Often we let him roam about in the morning before we get ourselves out of our own bed. It’s not unusual to come into the living room and find him sitting still on his couch waiting for the day to start. He has even taken to reading books and spending more time concentrating on the pictures. This amazes me because only a few months ago he was not at all capable of sitting still and perusing any type of literature. Now I find him looking at DVD covers and catalogues studying their contents. It’s all very funny to watch this development.

And so that is the 15 month of CJ Mao’s life. He continues to walk around non-stop and say more and more words and recognise and be able to point to objects. He sometimes joins in on a word or two of “Doe a Deer” from TSOM. He knows to put his hands together when we say grace (although he doesn’t always comply – but at least he remains quiet) and knows to get his devotion book at night after we’ve dressed him, before his milk. And he is very good at sitting in a high-chair when we go out for meals. He experienced his first babycino too which he devoured and he is no longer reacting to eggs or milk which is a huge relief. There is so much more of his personality coming through including the more frustrating aspects like stamping his feet when annoyed or using a high squeal when he doesn’t get his way. We are letting him walk out the front door to the gate and to the car now by himself. Most times when he is walking outside he wants both of us to hold his hands so he can do “yut, yee, sarm” (1, 2, 3 in Chinese) and swing him up high. I have seen him take an interest in other young children and babies and tends to reach out to try to touch their face which isn’t always greeted with enthusiasm.

All in all as the months go on, I am enjoying the emerging person who is my son. Motherhood does get me tired and make me feel like I’m doing the same thing over and over each day. But it comes with such great rewards that aren’t often appreciated on the daily basis. Each night when I lie CJ down in his cot and zip up his sleeping bag he looks up at me and smiles and is so happy and this just makes any day feel so much more fulfilling – no matter how frustrating or exhausting it’s been. I am reminded that this is my God-given role for now – to be CJ’s mum and nurture and influence him like no other person can. Thank God that He gives me the strength and energy and instructions on how to be the best mum for my son.

June 21, 2010

Fun times at 14 months

Filed under: Daily Life,Family — by dottismum @ 12:17 pm

Over this month we’ve spent lots of time outdoors enjoying the wintery sunny days (except when either CJ or I have been sick in bed – but that’s another story!).

Last week we went to Cronulla to have lunch. CJ enjoyed playing with the pine-needles and sticks.

We also spent a few days down in Vincentia. CJ’s experience on the beach was mixed. He got used to the new sensation of walking on the sand but was a little shocked and scared when the waves hit his feet. In fact, he sat down and ended up with a sopping nappy and pants. Easily fixed by removing both. But the tears remained so that was it for our walk on the beach for the day.

Another day we had the entire Blenheim Beach to ourselves. We found a sunny patch by the rocks and watched the dolphins frolicking in the bay as well as CJ swishing his hands around the rock pools.

There was a whole heap of foul smelling red seaweed washed up on shore so CJ had to be carried back. He loved being swung high in the air between his PP and GG.

Who needs toys when you have lemons?! Lemon bowls 🙂

Spending time with PP and GG is very precious. They are lots of fun and add a creative dimension to life that a tired and sick Mummy doesn’t always have. I’ll drink to that! Cheers 🙂

Allan has recently purchased a new bike and is always itching to get out for a ride. We waited at Kurnell for him to complete this trip – which actually took much less time than I expected.

Finally, after all these outdoor adventures here’s a pic of CJ sitting in the bath with a book. He rarely stays still or sits in the bath so we are thankful for this book (given to him by Jenna and Samuel).

June 3, 2010

Photo shoot

Filed under: Family — by dottismum @ 11:35 am

Our friend is starting up her own photography business. She came and took some pics of our family a few week’s ago.

Check out some of the photos on this site:


Filed under: Bloggin,Daily Life — by dottismum @ 11:30 am

CJ’s developments over the past month have been quite exciting. I’ve not been able to take a pic of all of them however here are a few shots. He has started to take an interest in books – at last! He never really had much concentration before and usually walked away when I read most books to him. However in the past few weeks he seems to have taken an interest in two books. Admittedly, he is ‘stuck’ in his high-chair but he does genuinely look at the books and likes to flip the pages.

He has also taken an interest in this push-bike thing which he got for Christmas from his grandparents. We only just assembled it and have watched as he’s used it to climb on, push, climb over and sit on the correct way.

A few week’s ago we visited a play centre with our mum’s group. CJ was not too sure about the ball pit, spending most of the time clinging to the edge or trying to get out.

Last week he contracted roseola (a very high fever followed by a rash all over his face and body) and so was out of action for a few days. Apparently children get sick on average 6 times a year – that’s every second month. I think CJ is meeting this statistic! I’ve not been to the GP in my whole life as many times as I’ve been this past 6 months.

We weren’t able to get out in the yard much last week as it’s been raining. So, here CJ is looking at the pigeons while I get some desperately needed vacuuming done.

CJ has learnt to put his hands together when we pray and sometimes even says ‘men’ when we finish. He can clap on demand and when we say ‘strike a pose’ he lies down on his back or tummy and does a goofy looking smile. He also pats his tummy when we ask him “who’s got a big tum-tum?” and he is able to put his arms in sleeves when we are dressing him. Another annoying thing (according to me) is when CJ grunts following his Daddy’s cues. It sounds way too barbaric and animal-like!

He knows where his ears are and occasionally points to his eyes and nose. Sometimes I just am so amazed that he actually understands what we’re saying when he does what I ask him to do!!!! I know I shouldn’t be because that’s all part of a developing, growing normal child however it’s such a thrill to actually see this unfolding before my very eyes!

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